My dear friends, if you want to ignite love in someone’s heart for yourself or if you love someone and wish to have them in your destiny, there are two methods through which you can seek this love. These practices are powerful methods prescribed by Allah, and by following them, you may attain the love you desire.

2 Steps for LOVE
1. First Practice:
Recite Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem 300 times during the day. After reciting, blow over a glass of water and drink it in the morning and evening. Inshallah, the true love you seek and desire to have in your life will come to you.
2. Second Practice:
Recite Ya Wadud (a name of Allah) 111 times. Complete the recitation with Durood Sharif before and after this practice.

In Islam, Nikah (marriage) is far more than a contract—it’s a sacred bond and a beautiful part of faith. Nikah represents half of one’s religious commitment, offering a path to personal growth, emotional fulfillment, and moral purity. Through marriage, a couple builds a foundation of love, respect, and shared responsibility, creating a stable family that strengthens the community. This relationship brings peace and compassion, where each spouse is a source of comfort and support for the other. By choosing Nikah, Muslims embrace a natural and honorable way to fulfill their desires while living in harmony with God’s guidance.